Class 1: Fundamentals of Space, Time, and Motion
This Class covers the basic principles of kinematics, forces, and energy in the context of space and time. Students will learn to describe motion quantitatively and qualitatively, and understand the fundamental laws governing motion.
-by chemandphysicsmastery
- 0 Students
- Last updated
Course Description
This Class covers the basic principles of kinematics, forces, and energy in the context of space and time. Students will learn to describe motion quantitatively and qualitatively, and understand the fundamental laws governing motion.
What Will You Learn from This Unit?
- Kinematics: Position, velocity, and acceleration
- Uniform and non-uniform acceleration
- Equations of motion for uniformly accelerated motion
- Projectile motion without fluid resistance
- Newton’s laws of motion
- Forces as interactions between bodies
Your Instructors
Maximus Ligula Eleifend Id Nisl Quis Interdum. Sed Malesuada Tortor Non Turpis Semper Bibendum. Ut Ac Nisi Porta, Malesuada Risus Non Viverra Dolor. Vestibulum Ante Ipsum Primis In Faucibus Orci Luctus Et Ultrices Posuere.