Class 4: How Much, How Fast, and How Far?
This Class covers the quantitative aspects of chemical reactions, including the amount of chemical change, the rate of reactions, and the extent of chemical change. Understanding these factors is key to controlling and predicting chemical processes.
-by chemandphysicsmastery
- 0 Students
- Last updated
Course Description
This Class covers the quantitative aspects of chemical reactions, including the amount of chemical change, the rate of reactions, and the extent of chemical change. Understanding these factors is key to controlling and predicting chemical processes.
What Will You Learn from This Course?
- Calculate the amount of chemical change using stoichiometry.
- Determine the rate of chemical reactions and the factors affecting it.
- Analyze the extent of chemical reactions and their equilibrium positions.
- Apply quantitative techniques to solve real-world chemical problems.
- Higher Level (HL): In-depth study of reaction mechanisms, rate laws, and the mathematical derivation of rate equations.
Your Instructors
Maximus Ligula Eleifend Id Nisl Quis Interdum. Sed Malesuada Tortor Non Turpis Semper Bibendum. Ut Ac Nisi Porta, Malesuada Risus Non Viverra Dolor. Vestibulum Ante Ipsum Primis In Faucibus Orci Luctus Et Ultrices Posuere.