Unit 1: Atomic Structure and Properties
Students will learn about the composition and structure of atoms, including the periodic trends and properties of elements.
-by chemandphysicsmastery
- 1 Student
- Last updated
Course Description
Students will learn about the composition and structure of atoms, including the periodic trends and properties of elements.
What Will You Learn from This Unit?
- Moles and molar mass
- Mass spectroscopy of elements
- Elemental composition of pure substances
- Composition of mixtures
- Atomic structure and electron configuration
- Photoelectron spectroscopy
- Periodic trends
- Valence electrons and ionic compounds
Your Instructors
Maximus Ligula Eleifend Id Nisl Quis Interdum. Sed Malesuada Tortor Non Turpis Semper Bibendum. Ut Ac Nisi Porta, Malesuada Risus Non Viverra Dolor. Vestibulum Ante Ipsum Primis In Faucibus Orci Luctus Et Ultrices Posuere.